Sunday, July 23, 2006

Picture Post, Sunday, July 23, 2006

More Pictures!

This first photo is at a marina in Melbourne at the mouth of Crane Creek. The bridge to the right is US1. For years after we moved here in the late '90s, every time we drove over that bridge and saw the tops of all the sailboat's masts, I would start singing the theme to Gilligan's Island. Man, that was a guarantee of rolling eyes and groans. And I would sing each and every word. Of course I sing only the version that ends in "the Professor AND Mary ANN, Here on Gilligan's Isle!" and not the original, totally bogus "and the rest..." version. Hey, parents have to have payback every way we can, right?

This is at the same marina. A lineup of power and water hookups for the boats. This one looks better after seeing the photo. The lineup looked cool standing there, but didn't in the viewfinder. I took it anyway because, well, I have a new digital slr and can take almost 600 jpegs the way I had it configured, before heading home to unoad, so I pressed the button. Glad I did. I like this one now.

For me, the subject can sometimes just be color. The items here are all ugly shapes, but the four main colors in this one make it a neat photo to me. Not a wonderful photo, but fun enough to like because of the in-your-face colors.

Similar in scope to the power meters above. This would have been PERFECT if someone had been sitting in the fourth bench from the camera, maybe reading a paper or head tilted forward in sleep. Oh well, I was alone and the patterns had to suffice.

A neat painting on a real estate office in Melbourne Beach, Florida. The front is also pretty with plants and rocking chairs. Looked nice in the yellow light of the late afternoon sun.

I was out for some sunset photos a few weeks ago and drove through this neighborhood on the beach in Indian River County. Most of these neighborhoods are gated and riff raff like me can't just drive in, but this small group of homes was still being repaired from hurricane damage so I drove through to see how the 'other half' lives. The people in this house had sense enough to leave these knarly, crooked trees when they had this house built (it's a fairly new neighborhood). Not a great composition or anything, and this is the kind of area you do not get out and walk around and start taking pictures, so this one out the car window had to do. The trees were the thing here. Lots of character and dignity.

To quote the great philosopher, Tiny Tim: "God bless us, everyone!" Have a great Sunday, folks.

(You didn't think I was gonna quote the ukelele/singer Tiny Tim didja?)

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