Saturday, August 12, 2006

British Airways Concorde

I've been a model of restraint this week. I've written, and shown very few photos.

But today I want to share some pics near and dear to my heart.

While working for Delta Airlines in Dallas (DFW) in the late 1980's, I had the privilege of seeing the British Airways Concorde several days a week, for 10 weeks during the peak summer flying time.

This flight came from London, Washington D.C., and then to Dallas. It overnighted in Dallas, and went back to London, via D.C. again.

Delta did all of the ground work, loading, unloading, etc., as well as cleaning and restocking the inside on those nights.

I was in Cabin Service with Delta at the time and we were the ones who went inside and cleaned, etc.

So, I've been on the Concorde, though I've never flown on it. It was a massively cool experience.

This plane was so loud, that it didn't pull to the gate under it's own power like the other planes, it stopped out on a taxiway and we would hook a tractor to it and pull it to the gate.

That is what is happening in this series of photos.

Click on them. I'm making them small because there are more here than I usually post at one time.

Those last two are my favorites.


Emily said...

Those are awesome pics!!

JAM said...

Thank you. I really wish I had taken my camera more, but I was always afraid someone would steal it while I was working. They kinda frowned on us walking around with cameras, although it wasn't forbidden.

I really regret that I don't have many pictures of many of the people I worked with.

Now, where I work, even a camera phone is a no-no.

Emily said...

Not even a camera phone? I never knew engineering was such secretive work...

Oh, by the way, did I ever thank you for the link you have to IMAO on your site? I found it through your links, and man, it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen/read in my life. I'm serious, not many things can truly make me keel over laughing like IMAO can. I'm not even American!