To me, it's pretty simple.
America is under catastrophic debt; we owe China so much money that I literally get a wave of nausea through my body when I think about it.
George Bush had a "stimulus plan" go into effect just before leaving office.
Obama had yet another "stimulus plan" go into effect just after taking office.
Both were done with borrowed money, primarily from China. Neither helped one little bit, and in fact hurt the economy.
What kind of idiots do we have running the country?
If I'm on the verge of bankruptcy in my personal finances, I CANNOT borrow enough money to spend my way out of debt.
Now Obama is pushing hard for a socialist, government run, single payer (working tax payers!) health care system like Canada, the UK and other European countries.
The internet is full of web pages of horror stories of people who die before they can even see a doctor in other countries.
It's all about putting the power of 2.5 TRILLION dollars a year into the hands of Washington bureaucrats. Once they have that power, they'll never let go of it.
President Obama and the pushers of socailized medicine in the US couldn't care less about the health of individual Americans, they care only in their thirst for more power.
Their lamentation is that there are 50 million uninsured Americans and that this isn't fair.
Yet they admit that the health care plan they are pushing will still leave 30 million uninsured. How is this better?
Every country that has socialized medicine is crippled with the debt of trying to prop up such a system.
In Canada and the UK, one of the fastest growing segments of their economies is private health insurance and private medical clinics where people already being taxed into oblivion pay even more to provide for themselves the benefit of health care on demand.
If you want to know what kind of health care you will have under the (non) "universal" health care plan put forth by Obama, and to be run by Washington bureaucrats, simply go online and start investigating the level of health care enjoyed by veterans at veteran's hospitals in America.
It will be a glimpse of your future health care under Obama's plan.
Raising taxes has been proven time and again to depress the economy, not help it, yet that is the proposed way of paying for all these new programs, health care and others.
Obama is on a course to absolutely drive the US economy into the dirt.
I pray that the boondoggle of government run health care fails to even get off the ground.
I'm getting nauseous, so I'll stop here.
And how is your day going?!